Chateau Orlando x cc-tapis

Introducing Chateau Orlando x cc-tapis: a collection of pure wool rugs made entirely by hand using a centuries-old jacquard weaving technique. The collection mixes classic Chateau Orlando motifs: 1970s and '80s-inspired geometric patterns, stripes, flowers hand drawn by Luke... 

The world of Chateau Orlando is nothing if not eclectic.

Chateau Orlando x cc-tapis

Introducing Chateau Orlando x cc-tapis: a collection of pure wool rugs made entirely by hand using a centuries-old jacquard weaving technique. The collection mixes classic Chateau Orlando motifs: 1970s and '80s-inspired geometric patterns, stripes, flowers hand drawn by Luke... 

The world of Chateau Orlando is nothing if not eclectic.

Jewelled Lattice Runner

Flower Grid

Summer Roses

Wiggle Stripe